
Wed, January 31, 2007, 03:35 PM under dotNET | Orcas | VisualStudio
This blog will get an additional focus over the coming months: "Orcas" :-)

Before Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework v2.0, C#2, VB8 and CLR v2.0 shipped, they collectively had the code name "Whidbey".

As we know, recently the .NET Framework v3.0 shipped, which leaves intact the languages, CLR and existing Framework bits. It also continues to take advantage of the same VS2005 albeit with WF extensions (and no released tool bits for WPF & WCF).

Next, we are going to see an update to the Framework bits (v3.5), languages (C#3, VB9) and Visual Studio; collectively the update has the codename "Orcas". I will label/tag such topics as 'Orcas'. The "Orcas" release also includes a new version of the .NET Compact Framework (v3.5) along with new integrated Visual Studio for Devices enhancements. I will continue to tag/label those topics as 'Mobile and Embedded'.

Until now I’ve refrained from diving into "Orcas" for various reasons. I can tell you that even though the documentation doesn’t list Windows Vista as supported, I finally have the "Orcas" January CTP running fine on Vista both in VPC 2007 and directly installed. Stay tuned :-)
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