Download my Vista demos

Sat, June 23, 2007, 06:07 AM under Windows | Vista
Last November I made a TOC post that linked to all my work on Vista-only features for Managed Developers. I have updated that blog post today so I strongly suggest you revisit it if the topic interests you and you want content, videos and slides.

By following and reading those links you can recreate every single one of my demos – trust me, that is the best way to learn this stuff! You should also note that any demo I show in presentations is a DEMO; it is not real production-ready code by any stretch of imagination. Also many of my demos won't make any sense to someone that has not seen me present them (e.g. at UK MSDN events, Tech Ed, UK Vista launch, DevDays...) and some of them are incomplete since I do the coding on the fly while others will not work if you don't install their dependencies as described in my sessions. My demo projects target .NET Framework 2.0 from C# and the project/solution format is for Visual Studio 2008. You could create VS2005 projects and add the code files from my projects if you don't have VS2008 Beta 1.

So, with those caveats in place and by popular demand, you can now download my demo code here. Enjoy!
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