PDC09 or SC09

Fri, October 16, 2009, 05:19 PM under Events
Recently I was given the choice to attend the PDC09 or the Super Computing conference: SC09. They both run in the same week, so attending both was not an option.

From a personal perspective I like visiting new cities, but in this case I have been to both Los Angeles and Portland so that is not a factor. From a geek perspective I like getting a feel for as many conferences as possible and I did PDC last year (repeated at Tech ED EMEA), whereas I have never been to an SC conference – so that tipped the balance a bit. More importantly from a more_useful_to_my_job perspective, I need to "connect" with more developers that are interested in the HPC and GPU space… This is the customer I want to delight with the work our team will deliver beyond VS2010…

If you, dear reader, are going to PDC09 be assured that the work our team is delivering in VS2010 will be well represented. View the relevant PDC sessions here.

If you are planning on attending SC09, please drop me a note (via the email link on the left) so we can meet and have a chat in Portland…
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 3:08:34 AM (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)
"They both run in the same week, so attending both was not an option"

Some concurrency expert you are!
Andy Turner
Sunday, November 1, 2009 6:17:59 PM (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)
Andy, let's not confuse concurrency with cloning ;-) ...and as a total aside, I really/seriously do not consider myself a concurrency expert...
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