Code snippet for property old style

Tue, December 4, 2007, 03:18 AM under Orcas | VisualStudio
When I first realised that the prop snippet now generates automatic properties in C# I thought it was cool. The more I write code in VS2008 though I find that when I need to write a property with get/setters that are explicitly implemented, it becomes tedious – I used to rely on prop in VS2005 too much I guess. This is easily rectified by adding a new code snippet of course.

Creating snippet is so easy it should be illegal :), but to save you the manual work here is the one I created for this purpose (propOld). Simply "save as" to your local drive and then from Visual Studio 2008 menu "Tools->Code Snippet Manager" click the "Import" button; then in a C# file type proOLD and hit TAB (instead of prop+TAB).