Reading books

Thu, November 18, 2004, 11:17 AM under Random
Reading technical books is something I have always enjoyed, including writing reviews about some of them. The very first book I reviewed was over 5 years ago (Doing Hard Time: Developing Real-Time Systems with UML, Objects, Frameworks and Patterns) and the first .NET book I read was in 2000 (Presenting C#).

My recent focus was on .NET Compact Framework Books. I have read and reviewed all of them (let me know if I've missed any - although it's unlikely I'll be reading a book on the CF 1.0 now that the CF 2.0 Beta is out). If you are writing a CF 2.0 book let me know.

Some of my reviews are over at my Amazon page (.NET, UML, OO and COM being the dominant theme).

More and more magazines make their articles available online (and we already subscribe to quite a few at work), even more informative blogs become available with nice technical content and more Alpha/Beta software is made available earlier and to wider audiences. All of this means that my book intake has gone down (hasn't yours?). It is up to you (as a publisher/author) to change that by sending me prospective .NET books to read/evaluate :-)

Having said all that, I recently finished reading Maximizing .NET Performance (I won it at a competition). The review will also appear as my next blog post.

D.D.G. MOTH (Amazon Associate)