Are you in Ireland?

Thu, April 28, 2005, 09:30 AM under Events
Paschal announced this morning a new event for the Ireland .NET Developers Alliance (INDA).
UPDATE: Yes, that is me in the photo and no, I didn't down that in one go ;-)

Make sure you are in Dublin in July. Personally, I'll make a weekend of it, i.e. fly out with Jenny on the Thursday and come back on the Sunday. All I can think of is... Guinness :-)

Date: Friday 15th July 2005
Title: VS2005 & CF 2.0 Highlights
Summary: While most may have heard of Whidbey in the context of Yukon or ASP.NET 2.0, there is a lot in it for the Compact Framework developer too. CF 2.0 brings with it numerous enhancements and VS2005 provides a tailored experience for CF developers making them first class citizens of the .NET world. Come to this session and take a look at what's new in VS2005 and CF 2.0. Guaranteed to make you want to get your hands dirty with Beta 2!
Venue: Buswells Hotel in Dublin
Times: 18:30 start
Registration: Here
Price: Free